Design and policy making – Design Policy Beacon: a tool of analysis – Event Overview
Luglio 28, 2016

On the 8th of June 2016, The Design Policy Lab organized an event called "Design and policy making - Design Policy Beacon: a tool of analysis", hosted at Regione Lombardia in Milan. The event intended to introduce to a public audience results and outputs so far achieved during the european research Design For Europe, such as the The Design Policy Beacon, a project aimed to comprehend and map the ecosystem of design policies on European level.

Here you can browse all material produced by the Lab for that event.


Video overview of the event 

(Subtitles in english are available and can be activated in Vimeo's player)

A photo gallery of the event
Photo courtesy of Lab Immagine - Polimi

"Design Policy Beacon"
Slide presented during the event by prof. Stefano Maffei


Program of the event (ENG)
Download at this link